3805 HWY 377 S., Brownwood,TX 76801

P F & E Oil Company supports our community where the need is critical and the effect is long term for our customers and employees.

Contribution Rules
To apply for a contribution, you must represent an eligible 501(c)(3) organization based in a community where P F & E Oil Company operates.

P F & E Oil Company reviews contribution requests during the first week of each quarter. If your request is approved, you will be notified by telephone during the second week of the quarter. This is the only time that contributions are reviewed and approved. The review dates are the first week of each quarter: January, April, July, and September.

Contribution Procedure

1. Fax a copy of your latest 501(c)(3) annual report and a copy of your Form 990 to P F & E Oil Company at (325) 643-3272.
2. Fill out and return this form:

Step 1 of 3 - Contact Information

Our Corporate Purpose is to glorify God by being faithful stewards of all that is entrusted to us and to have a positive influence on all who come in contact with our companies.